FNCE® 2023

FNCE 2023 Blue and Orange Logo

*Registration Now Open*

Join NOBIDAN for an exciting event on Sunday, October 8, 2023!

5pm - 9pm MT
Hyatt Regency Denver
Annual Business Meeting Awards Dinner and Dancing
Members may bring guests. Students are welcome to attend and network.

NOBIDAN Members: $50.00
Non-members: $75.00
Students: $20.00
Retired NOBIDAN Members: $35.00

Guests: $75.00

If you have not yet registered for FNCE®, you will have the option to add this event prior to checking out.

If you have already registered for FNCE®: Simply click here to return to the main FNCE® registration page and log in there to modify your FNCE® registration and add the event. Click through the pages until you reach the events listings, and add your event. Continue clicking through until the end where you will submit payment; even if the event is free, you must check out to complete your registration. You will receive a confirmation email noting your additional event.